Definition: Enterprise Digital Asset management is the asset management solution of digital knowledge base of an Enterprise. Digital Data here would basically mean product images, management pictures, product and services logos, etc. These are company resources and can be in various file formats like gifs, jpegs, PNG, PSD, TIF, etc. The bigger the enterprise the larger is the memory data bank. These digital files have to be stored in an organized manner, in appropriate categories, so that they can be located easily later. Many a time a single file may have many different versions as it would have been worked on quite a few times. Therefore all versions need to be stored methodically as one never knows when the client may need the earlier version. Also the final file or image that was finally worked on, needs to be located promptly without too much expenditure of time. Digital assets can include other material like spreadsheet files, documents, product or factory slideshows, rich media files like audio files and movie clips, flash presentations.
The word asset means capital or resources and in case of knowledge loaded organization this means files, documents, etc. The purpose of Enterprise Digital Asset management solution is to allow users to create new files/assets, store it in the requisite spaces, share it with select users and collaborate on the matter with the rest of the team.
Digital Assets like images, movie files, audio files, pictures are bulky and difficult to keep track of simply because it is difficult to know if the file is the final ‘complete’ one. Any creative (image/movie/audio) goes through numerous changes, it is impossible for even the designer to say with finality during the review which media file is the one being looked for. At times the file may have been changed but the creative may not remember the change done and so may mistakenly use the older file and this could result in loss of face while interacting with the client. Such silly and “unprofessional” mistakes cannot be committed by reputed companies, and that’s the reason the more serious the organization and the work the more necessary it is for them to invoke a really good management system.
Consequently a professional strategy of Asset organization is approved for supervision of files. This will allow rapid access to data, save employee effort spent in locating data and promote the employee’s initiative in improvement ideas.
Enterprise Digital Asset Management
Enterprise Digital Asset Management