Digital Asset Management (DAM) is as well a form of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) that is concerned with content stored using digital electronic technology.
Enterprise Digital Asset Management is a technical infrastructure for fine-grained control and management of digital materials across an organization. It supports the most commonly used data types in the form of documents, images, audio, and video, but can also include animation, three-dimensional modeling, and other large data sets. This infrastructure essentially distributes tools for controlling and managing these assets, empowers creators to control their use, and provides a common platform for an organization. In this way, an organization or a company can manage the collective intellectual property in a manner consistent with the vested value it represents.
Digital Asset Management can provide far more than basic control and management. Digital media services can facilitate the fluid use and exchange of digital materials. Conversion and transcoding services change any document, image, audio, or video file from its original format to whatever format best suits a particular use. Analysis services can peer into the content itself and extract text to be used as metadata for search and retrieval. Full text can easily be extracted from documents and advanced tools are utilized to derive metadata from media. These analyses include such features as voice-to-text, optical character recognition, facial recognition, sound recognition, and scene change detection. Digital media services applied at the enterprise level relieve individuals of the heavy lifting needed to work with digital materials, foster productivity.
A highly advanced approach to digital asset management will treat metadata itself as an asset.
Read the second part of Enterprise Digital Asset Management article.