Enterprise Digital Asset Management provides a common platform for digital content across the entire organization. Publishing venues and academic applications from web sites, through course management and e-portfolio, to the Library itself can take advantage of this infrastructure to serve the full and diverse array of constituencies in the community. The commonality of the infrastructure distributes the management of intellectual property to copyright holders themselves while securing the content in a manner that recognizes its importance to the future of a company. Advanced tools derive and synchronize highly detailed and multi-layered metadata. The management infrastructure facilitates fluidly building relationships between content elements at a finer and more granular level than ever imagined, leading to unlimited possibilities for developing new methods and new knowledge.
The most basic implementations of enterprise Digital Asset Management yield gains in efficiency – managing, storing, and using digital content. More advanced implementations boost productivity in the production and reuse of digital materials through digital media transcoding and analysis services. And, the most advanced Digital Asset Management infrastructure manages metadata and data relationships in highly granular and complex ways.
Enterprise Digital Asset Management will be the change agent leading to a competitive advantage for companies of the future.
Read the first part of Enterprise Digital Asset Management article.